Free The Refresh: Strong-Willed Child-Live Virtual

“Must they always challenge me?”In this class, parents learn about the different traits of temperament and how these relate to the strong-willed child. The curriculum also includes: how parent temperament and parenting style affect child behavior, effective and respectful discipline techniques for the strong-willed child, and ways to nurture the child’s positive qualities.Class meets from

Co-Parenting Essentials – Live Virtual

Co-Parenting Essentials is an evidence-based program designed to assist parents in co-parenting.Co-Parenting Essentials is an evidence-based program designed to assist parents in co-parenting, focusing on adult issues related to communication, managing emotions and accepting personal responsibility for personal actions. This class is designed to help prevent problems resulting from divorce and to keep children out

Parenting a Child with ADHD – Live Virtual

Learn effective ways of addressing issues that are common to the child with ADHD.Class meets from 6:00-8:00 pmNote: Save $10 by registering and paying in advance: $25 per person vs. $35 when you register on the day of class.Please join the meeting within 15 minutes of the start time or the software will not permit your entry.

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