Developing Self-Worth- Live Virtual

Do you have a confident child?Does your child feel good about him or herself? Do you want to learn how to help your child have good self-esteem? This workshop is designed to help you and your family learn about building self-worth. Class meets virtually from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Note: Save $10 by registering and paying in

Serie de 8 Semanas: ACT Criar Ninos Seguros-En Vivo Virtual

¿Quiere aumentar sus habilidades como padre?Este programa de 8 semanas aumentará las habilidades de crianza positivas que crearán relaciones y entornos seguros, estables, saludables y enriquecedores. Está reconocido como un programa parental eficaz para padres con hijos entre el nacimiento y los 10 años de edad. La clase se reúne de 1-3 pm todos los

ACT Raising Safe Kids-Live Virtual: 8 Week Series

Are you wanting to increase your parenting skills?This 8 week program will increase positive parenting skills that create safe, stable, healthy and nurturing environments and relationships. It is recognized as an effective parenting program for parents with children between birth and 10 years of age.Class meets from 1-3pm every Wednesday starting on January 19th through

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